Where are you located?

We are HQ in NYC. Our virtual assistants are based in our NYC office.

Do you provide virtual assistance?

Absolutely - We provide on-site assistance and virtual assistance. We specialize in virtual assistance and can assist with clients across the globe. In fact - we have clients that travel frequently across the globe and receive requests while traveling abroad. As the relationship grows, we get to know our clients more and will require less direction.

I need a full-time assistant, do you offer full-time assistance?

Yes - Our clients utilize our services on a full-time basis. Hiring LUXX as your full-time personal assistant allows our clients to save on agency costs. This also eliminates the hassle of training a new personal assistant when your current assistant changes career paths or the relationship isn’t working out. Changing personal assistants through LUXX is a seamless transition and will allow your new assistant to pick-up where your previous assistant left off.

Our company creates an internal handbook for our full-time staff which allows for a smooth transition in the event a new assistant is needed.

We provide different packages depending on your needs.

On-Demand (in-person, 2 hour minimum) - This is for those that don’t require our services on a daily or weekly basis. Lets say you need help last minute organizing your home, need a extra set of hands on-site in the office or need to pick something up and can’t make it in time. We have internal staff dedicated for running errands (dog walking, picking up groceries, dry cleaning, etc).

Part-Time (in person/virtual) - This package is for the entrepreneur or busy mom that needs help on a part-time basis. (Contact us for our monthly rates).

Full-Time (in person/virtual) - Dedicated single personal assistant who works on a daily basis with an agreed upon number of hours per week. Your full-time personal assistant has a team backing them up whenever needed. One main POC (your PA). (Contact us for our monthly rates).

Virtual Assistant - Contact us for monthly rates.

What is the cost for your services?